SBA Paper No.10

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2 thoughts on “SBA Paper No.10

  • Mohamed Elsaadany

    Is osmotherapy contraindicated in EDH. It can be given after neurosurgeon consultation in s Neuro Centre able of doing emergency evacuation.

  • Chokkalingam Subramanian

    Q5:Isnt this correct 2 members of staff with airway experience, 1 assistant. Cuff pressure <25, change of inner tube when clinically indicated?

    FICM trache care document -Inner cannula must be removed and checked at least once per nursing shift (every 8-12 hours), although the frequency of checking will depend on patient factors. If a patient has a lot of secretions for example, the frequency should increase. The inner cannula can be cleaned and replaced in many instances, although some cannulae are disposable.